Products we use in-session


Massage Cream

Biotone’s Advanced Therapy Massage Creme has been my absolute favorite for years. It is hypoallergenic, unscented, and paraben-free. Its main ingredients are grapeseed oil, sesame oil, and glycerin. I like to describe the feeling of working with this cream as “massaging with clouds”.

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After trying many popular and highly regarded aromatherapy brands, I have finally settled on two companies: Nature’s Sunshine and Youngevity. Both companies use high standards of production and incorporate extremely important features such as EOBBD standards, chromatograph and refractive indexing, and SureSource authenticity guarantee.


Finishing Cream

I have a confession. Bon Vital’s Unscented Body Butter feels so good on the skin, that I might look forward to using this product more than even the client! If you have dry areas of skin, the hydrating combination of cocoa butter, shea butter, and beeswax will leave your skin feeling completely silky and moisturized. This product is especially great on dry, cracked feet!



Many people love the cooling effects of Biotone and the heat of Sombra. I can’t tell which is my favorite, so I offer both! I actually find the greatest effect is to combine them into one gel. So if you want either or you want them combined, ask during the massage and you shall receive!

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Enveed is a Chicago-based company with Oregon farms. Its recognition as a leader of the CBD industry comes from intimate control from seed to sale. Enveed is involved in every step of the process, from the farming to cultivating to enlisting their personal team of doctors and pharmacists to ensure each batch is dependable and of high quality.


Jojoba Oil

For customers looking for an alternative to massage cream, we offer Biotone Clear Results Massage Oil. It contains jojoba oil, aloe vera gel, and vitamin E. These ingredients are soothing ro the skin and help reduce redness and mild inflammation.

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Massage Gun

The Ekrin Athletics B37 Massage Gun is my tool of choice. It is top rated among other competitors. The B37 has five speeds, can reach up to 3200 RPMs, and Quiet Glide noise reduction technology. If you need to reduce tension in ropey, tense, and gripping muscles, this is your solution.

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Rocktape is a favorite among athletes and personal trainers. It offers stong adhesive and great elasticity. It is also hypoallergenic, although a patch test is always recommended for sensitivity.



Acuzone is known for their quality and reliability. I use two types of cups. The first is Acuzone’s silicone cups that create milder suction and are used to prepare an area to be worked on. The second is Acuzone’s plastic cups with a manual pump for higher levels of intensity .

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Headache Hat

The headache hat contains three layers of 24 ice cubes sown on the inside and can remain cold for 2 hours. If you have a bad headache to the point where it is hard to sit still for the massage, the headache hat can alleviate this by cryotherapy and by the hat’s consistent pressure on the head and temples.

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I prefer Hawkgrips Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Moblization Tools (IASTM) to Graston or Gua Sha because of the weight, solid construction, and textured grips (massage cream makes these tools slippery!). IASTM tools are great for breaking up adhesions and for resolving chronic conditions such as tennis elbow, shin splints, back pain, and knee pain.

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Aromatherpy Diffuser

The Victsing diffuser vaporizes aromatherapy oils and saturated the aroma into the room. Victsing is my favorite diffuser, as it is quiet and extremely effective. Important: After the diffuser is used, please refrain from having pets enter the room for at least two hours.